Aslain's wows modpack where is world of warships
Aslain's wows modpack where is world of warships


Once you have installed Aslain's Modpack, there should now be a dedicated folder for custom mods in your game's installation directory. This guide also works with any mods, that were previously installed using the Modstation first - however, make sure that after choosing your mods in Aslain's Modpack (or not choosing any mods here at all) and clicking on " continue", the box with the option " Remove all previous mods from the game (strongly advised) - Attention: wipes out everything in res_mods folder!" is NOT checked! It won't work with installing your custom mods first and using the Modstation afterwards, as the Modstation always clears the " res_mods" folder and thus your previously installed mods. It is also possible - but not necessary - to install any other mods from the modpack. I don't know if there is already any documentation of that feature, but I thought it might be helpful to some, so I decided to post it here. This feature can be very helpful, since all mods need to be re-installed after every update of the game, which can sometimes be a pain in the bum. Soo, since you found your way here, you have probably already heard of Aslain's Modpack, which is - next to the Modstation - widely used to install various modifications for World of Warships.Īslain was so thoughtful and added a feature to install custom mods, that are not represented in any of these modpacks. Those can be either some mods downloaded from other sources like the forum, or - if you like messing around with the game yourself - your own creations.

Aslain's wows modpack where is world of warships